Photo gallery


Feel free to browse through my photos below. You can click on any image thumbnail to expand it. If you would like to send us a photo of your My Horse in use and would like it to be considered for use in our photo gallery, please print, sign, scan and send the photo release form below to


Photography release form

I am the person in the photo/the legal guardian of the person in the photo (delete as appropriate). I give authorisation for the photo to be used in the Photo gallery section of the My Horse website ( on a no-fee (free) basis and at the discretion of the site owner. If comes such a time when the provider of the photo (this must be the person signing the form) deems it necessary to withdraw the photo from the site, a written request should be sent via and the site owner will endeavour to withdraw the photo from the site in a timely manner and to the complete satisfaction of the provider.


I (person in photo/legal guardian of the person in the photo (delete as appropriate & print)  ____________________________ give permission for the photo provided this day dated ___________________________________________________

to be used with no fee (free) to be paid and at the discretion of the site owner. 


Signed___________________________________________________   Date ____________________________________


Forms and photos should be sent to: with your request for consideration. Thank you!